Castro dos Arados (Arados Hillfort)

Marco de Canaveses
Castro dos Arados is situated on a summit of a granitic hill named S. Tiago, about 500 meters above sea level. It has remains of fortified settlement walls and housing. It lacks of almost complete vegetation making visible the intense traces of the fortified enclosure with three rows of walls, the tops of some circular and quadrangular buildings. It seems that it was intensively romanized and still accupied during the High Middle Age. It is possible to reach Castro dos Arados through the sidewalks that connect the lower part of Alpendorada and Matos parish (from the place of Serrinha through the EN 210) with the quarries of the upper area, precisely in S. Tiago west hill slope. There is another option to reach the Castro dos Arados which starts in the center of Ariz parish (from the place of Carrais) and goes up through Arados, reaching the hillfort. Near this place, there is a well maintained walking tour, which, eventually, goes back to Roman times.It has not been the object of systematic archeological excavations, however there is a significant estate lying deposited in the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia de Lisboa (Archeological National Museum) which was taken in the late XX century by Leite de Vasconcelos and others.  

Location: Marco de Canaveses
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