Castro de Ribas


A fortified Protohistoric and Romanised fort, protected by two wall alignments, reaching the thickness of c. 7 m, being the defensive system complemented from the north-east (NE) to the northwest (NO) by an excavated moat  in the outcrop, in an advanced state of disrepair. On the interior wall exists a door facing north-east (NE) and another, narrowest, on the northwest side (NO). It is noted that the first wall alignment has a curved area of c. 13 m thickness. On the interior panel of the wall exists, two possibly reused ashlars with engraved ornamentation, the decorative motifs being made out of circles and spirals. In the platforms' interior, one can see rectangular and circular preserved dwellings, as well as, to east (E), a winepress dug into the rock. Outwardly to the village exists a rectangular dwelling presenting, to its edge, along the longest axis, a space of similar plant not showing any connexion with it.

Classified as “Immovable of Public Interest”, Decree nº 29/84, DR, 1.ª série, n. º 145, June 25th, 1984.

Location: Valpaços
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