Casa de Compostela

Vila Nova de Famalicão
The “Casa Agricola de Compostela, S.A.”, is a company linked to agriculture. Located in Entre Douro e Minho region, in the parish of Requião, municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão, is especially directed to forestry production, horticulture and winemaking. 

The vineyard occupies approximately 40 hecares, extended throughout the slope in a continuous and organized way. Rich in silica and clay, the soil has an excellent exposure to the sun. 

The Farm House of Compostela currently produces 2510.000 litres/year, calculating on an increase in the future. The wine is done in the cellar of the property, following the most modern processes and equipment that include mechanisation and control.

Location: Vila Nova de Famalicão
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