Cachão da Valeira

São João da Pesqueira

Shoals of herring, lampreys and other fish gather in Cachão da Valeira, a rocky formation in the middle of the river. Destroyed in the 17 th century to make this waterway more navigable, the place became famous because, according to the legend, this is where a rabelo boar shipwrecked, killing the Baron of Forrester but D. Antónia Ferreirinha was saved thanks to her hoop skirts. A stone was erected where the shipwreck too place, with the engraved words: "During the reign of Queen MARIA I, the famous rock formation was demolished, as it made navigation and access impossible: the works lasted from 1780 to 1792".

Today, when the boats sail by at this point, visitors usually make a toast with a glass of Port in honour of D. Antónia Ferreirinha, one of the most successful wine producers at that time.

This monument can only be visited by boat.

Location: São João da Pesqueira
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